Bpm multiples...

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Bpm multiples...

Post by enjoykaos »

Been thinking about this for a while. I have bpm double n half mapped to keys, super handy. Was wondering if it would be possible to make the upper limit stay divisible by the actual bpm.. so instead of topping out at 500 it would have some kind of automatically computed upper limit. It might need some kind of other bpm setting that was always displayed - the multiplier - which you could change and the actual bpm would update to be divisible/multipliable. So ideally the lower limit wouldnt be 20 necessarily also. I frequently have to reinput bpm because ive doubled or halved my way into the limits.. Quarter up n down commands would be sick also. Configurable up n down commands would be super good - similar to the nudge control just expanded.
Oki back to programming cheers))
Ps Also eq configurable bpm detection? Not directly updating the bpm but more like a reference utility for when you dont want to click the tap button ten times))

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