Fx4 vs quadro card?!?

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Fx4 vs quadro card?!?

Post by kapil8589 »

Hi ,
So the fx4 takes in one 4k input and gives 4HD outs which are in sync. What if I have a massive led wall say 80ft wide by 16 ft in width and require two 4K inputs to run this?

In such a scenario the Fx4 will fall short ? Is my understanding correct ? Having quadro cards which can provide sync outputs is the best way forward ?

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Re: Fx4 vs quadro card?!?

Post by Arvol »

FX4's are for 3G and smaller rasters. Anything larger will require a Quadro and a sync 2 card.

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Re: Fx4 vs quadro card?!?

Post by kapil8589 »

Thanks Arvol. Looking at a build with the A5000 , what are your thoughts?
Also do you know of or have a rig which has 2 quadro cards and outputing 7 plus one with resolume ? Do all the 7 outs get recognised , (I understand the master card will bear all the processing load) but the secondary card does get read by resolume ? There seems to be a lot of confusion on this. Any input you can provide ?

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Re: Fx4 vs quadro card?!?

Post by Arvol »

Resolume reads whatever displays are connected to your OS. So if your OS see's those ports, you're good to go.

I would say the 5000-6000 would be a good range to use. I personally use the 6000's.
You will also need a sync 2 card as well. buy the PNY flavor used on ebay for like $300. paying $1k plus for the HP version is bonkers.

And yes, only 1 GPU will be doing the processing, however, I've found that matching GPU models has the best results for your OS and drivers. Trying to mix and match models hasn't worked out so well for me in the past, but I haven't tried in about 4 years, so maybe it's better now???

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Re: Fx4 vs quadro card?!?

Post by kapil8589 »

Thank you for the input. From what I have read too , matching the cards is the best way forward!

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