Bug (win10): Resolume freezes when using OneDrive and media is only in cloud

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Bug (win10): Resolume freezes when using OneDrive and media is only in cloud

Post by mfo »

not even sure this is a bug, strictly speaking. It is a reproducible problem though and it has the power properly ruin your day.

Windows only, when using OneDrive (Microsoft's cloud service):
When my composition uses files, which are in the cloud and not locally available, then Resolume freezes.
What happens in the background is that OneDrive starts downloading the file to generate a local copy - and Resolume waits for it to finish. Of course, this download can take a veeeerrrryy long time. So Resolume appears to be dead.

The problem becomes a real headache when the composition is the one Resolume loads at startup. So you may kill Resolume in the task manager, restart the computer and whatnot, just to run into the same issue at next try.

Workaround: Don't start Resolume directly, but start it via a composition (that does not have cloud-only media in it). I.e. navigate to "C:\Program Files\Resolume Arena\default" and double click on "Example.avc".

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Re: Bug (win10): Resolume freezes when using OneDrive and media is only in cloud

Post by tijnisfijn »

There are several reasons why this doesn't work. You will need to have such a stable and super fast, Internet connection, and even then you will get your movies in a compressed file formats if you stream them straight from Internet, even if you download them first, they will probably still be MP4 file formats or something.... this is never good for Resolume. So I would recommend to store your files locally (if you don't have space, just use a external SSD) and use Alley to convert them to the DXV file formats. I am sure this will solve your problem.....

On a sidenote, why would you want to store and play your movies from a Cloud service?

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Re: Bug (win10): Resolume freezes when using OneDrive and media is only in cloud

Post by mfo »

files are in dxv ofc. in cloud for project management, can't have everything locally.

and no, they will not stream in low quality, they will simply block Resolume. which is what the bug report is about.

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Re: Bug (win10): Resolume freezes when using OneDrive and media is only in cloud

Post by Zoltán »

They don't block Resolume.
They are only very slow to open, because they have to be downloaded from the cloud, before they can be read. Resolume waits for that.
When they finish, Resolume will resume.

DXV is not a streaming format, nor is One drive a streaming platform.

Don't keep media you want to play, on a cloud synced folder if you want to avoid headaches ;)
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Re: Bug (win10): Resolume freezes when using OneDrive and media is only in cloud

Post by mfo »

Nobody talks about streaming here. As said, project management.
Let me give you an example:
Played some shows with touring project A, next days touring project B coming up. So, A's files go off the local drive, B downloads from cloud to local. But alas! Resolume auto-starts to composition A! And freezes. Dead. You can only kill it and apply the workaround (see my initial post).

Btw "Resolume waits" means being frozen for hours, you can't do anything, you can't even quit it. I would call that blocked and: a problem to address.

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Re: Bug (win10): Resolume freezes when using OneDrive and media is only in cloud

Post by cosmowe »

Played some shows with touring project A, next days touring project B coming up. So, A's files go off the local drive, B downloads from cloud to local. But alas! Resolume auto-starts to composition A!
May you explain this a bit different... I really really try to understand that case!

- Touring Project A B ? Are these Hardware Sets?
- A, B are they not in reach of a Thumb-drive?
- Why do files go off A?
- Why are the files not on booth Projects?
- On which system Resolume Autostarts to A?
- Why where files linked to a cloud storage anyway at any time? So did that ever worked?

best wishes
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Re: Bug (win10): Resolume freezes when using OneDrive and media is only in cloud

Post by Zoltán »

mfo wrote: Mon May 13, 2024 23:48 Nobody talks about streaming here. As said, project management.
Let me give you an example:
Played some shows with touring project A, next days touring project B coming up. So, A's files go off the local drive, B downloads from cloud to local. But alas! Resolume auto-starts to composition A! And freezes. Dead. You can only kill it and apply the workaround (see my initial post).

Btw "Resolume waits" means being frozen for hours, you can't do anything, you can't even quit it. I would call that blocked and: a problem to address.
Yes, you're talking about streaming, when you expect files which are non existent on the drive to be played instantly.

If this is your workflow, sync the files to the local drive first.
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Re: Bug (win10): Resolume freezes when using OneDrive and media is only in cloud

Post by mfo »

Is this so misunderstandable? Jesus.

I don't expect the files to be played instantly! I don't want to play them at all! Took them off the local drive for a reason. I just want to open another composition, but can't.

See my example above: I take the media of project A off my local drive, brought project B's media back on. All I want is to load comp B, but can't. Because Resolume autostarts comp A and freezes.

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Re: Bug (win10): Resolume freezes when using OneDrive and media is only in cloud

Post by mfo »

And sorry, I'm not gonna discuss the merits of project management via cloud. It works for me and made my touring life much easier. It might not do the same for everyone, but I can only recommend trying it out.

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Re: Bug (win10): Resolume freezes when using OneDrive and media is only in cloud

Post by tijnisfijn »

If it automatically loads composition A. is this because it's in the start up items? And what happens if you instead of starting up arena, just double click composition B? A other option i see would be to make a empty composition, lets call it C. And make sure that at the end of the night this composition is always started up/loaded and saved, so this would be the default the next morning at start up, then you can load your composition B.

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